Engaging Youth and women in agriculture through small scale contract farming of small grains and pulses in line with SDG 5
2. Provision of climate smart agriculture techniques and climate proof crop varieties in line with SDG 13 (Climate action – take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts) .
3. Providing diverse nutritionally enhanced crop varieties and livestock rearing projects to ensure food security, good health and wellbeing in Africa inline with SDG 2 and 3 (good health and wellbeing)
4. We offer solution based products and services to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of farming ecosystem in line with SDG 15( life on land- to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems)
5. To provide a ma rket oriented crop and livestock production a pproach to disadvantaged and neglected fa rming communities in a bid to alleviate poverty in Line with SDG 1 ( No Poverty goal 1, end poverty in all its forms everywhere) .
6. To impart knowledge transfer and team capacity building programs to promote productive employment and sustainable economic growth through engaging youth in pasture, livestock, crop and horticulture projects.